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Весь контент Kerlok

  1. Только зуум. Может и загляну когда нибудь на регстолы, когда отточу навыки, чтобы играть 5-6 столов без потери концентрации и внимания. (чтобы дистанция за единицу времени не упала).
  2. Я заметил, что всегда найдется дебил, который заберет такой банк))))))). Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 PlayersPoker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $78.55 (314.2 bb)Hero (BB): $25 (100 bb)UTG: $29.43 (117.7 bb)MP: $25 (100 bb)CO: $69.76 (279 bb)BTN: $32.76 (131 bb) Preflop: Hero is BB with Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif2 folds, CO raises to $0.85, BTN raises to $1.45, SB folds, Hero raises to $4.25, CO calls $3.40, BTN raises to $32.76 and is all-in, Hero calls $20.75 and is all-in, CO calls $28.51 Flop: ($90.62) 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (3 players, 2 are all-in)Turn: ($90.62) 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (3 players, 2 are all-in)River: ($90.62) 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (3 players, 2 are all-in) Results: $90.62 pot ($2.00 rake)Final Board: 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gifHero showed Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and lost (-$25 net)CO showed 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and won $88.62 ($55.86 net)BTN showed Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and lost (-$32.76 net)
  3. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $23.05 (92.2 bb) BB: $19.95 (79.8 bb) UTG: $25.10 (100.4 bb) MP: $26.39 (105.6 bb) CO: $35.13 (140.5 bb) Hero (BTN): $25.26 (101 bb) Preflop: Hero is BTN with Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 3 folds, Hero raises to $0.62, SB calls $0.52, BB calls $0.37 Flop: ($1.86) 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (3 players) SB checks, BB bets $0.89, Hero raises to $3.40, SB folds, BB calls $2.51 Turn: ($8.66) Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif (2 players) BB checks, Hero bets $5, BB calls $5 River: ($18.66) 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players) BB bets $8.91, Hero raises to $16.24, BB calls $2.02 and is all-in Results: $40.52 pot ($1.82 rake) Final Board: 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif BB showed Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif and lost (-$19.95 net) Hero showed Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and won $38.70 ($18.75 net) Карету оплатили.
  4. Хорошо, что хоть доезжают теми картами, в которые не будет 3го бареля. (И это старзы). Мастерство, это Вам не таранку сушить, вот как нужно оверпары ушатывать с 87о)))). И я дурак забыл про опцию пуш в такой терн (проблема что парень не известный, диапазон по крепче ему клал). Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 PlayersPoker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $5.78 (23.1 bb)BB: $28.97 (115.9 bb)UTG: $32.70 (130.8 bb)MP: $26.43 (105.7 bb)Hero (CO): $29.56 (118.2 bb)BTN: $25.38 (101.5 bb) Preflop: Hero is CO with Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gifUTG folds, MP raises to $0.50, Hero raises to $1.75, 3 folds, MP calls $1.25 Flop: ($3.85) Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players)MP checks, Hero bets $1.84, MP calls $1.84 Turn: ($7.53) 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (2 players)MP checks, Hero bets $5.39, MP calls $5.39 River: ($18.31) 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players)MP checks, Hero checks Results: $18.31 pot ($0.82 rake)Final Board: Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gifMP showed 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and won $17.49 ($8.51 net)Hero mucked Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and lost (-$8.98 net)
  5. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $24.25 (97 bb) Hero (BB): $28.09 (112.4 bb) UTG: $40.47 (161.9 bb) MP: $28.77 (115.1 bb) CO: $4.21 (16.8 bb) BTN: $25 (100 bb) Preflop: Hero is BB with XX 4 folds, SB raises to $0.75, Hero calls $0.50 Flop: ($1.50) 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players) SB bets $0.75, Hero raises to $1.97, SB calls $1.22 Turn: ($5.44) Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (2 players) SB checks, Hero bets $3.43, SB calls $3.43 River: ($12.30) 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players) SB checks, Hero bets $21.94, SB folds Results: $12.30 pot ($0.55 rake) Final Board: 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif SB mucked and lost (-$6.15 net) Hero mucked XX and won $11.75 ($5.60 net) интересно, а какой развязки он ожидал??)))
  6. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $25.02 (100.1 bb) BB: $22.48 (89.9 bb) Hero (UTG): $25.45 (101.8 bb) MP: $39.93 (159.7 bb) CO: $7.72 (30.9 bb) BTN: $27.69 (110.8 bb) Preflop: Hero is UTG with Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Hero raises to $0.62, MP folds, CO calls $0.62, BTN folds, SB raises to $2.73, BB calls $2.48, Hero raises to $6.25, CO folds, SB calls $3.52, BB calls $3.52 Flop: ($19.37) 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (3 players) SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $19.20 and is all-in, 2 folds Results: $19.37 pot ($0.87 rake) Final Board: 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif SB mucked and lost (-$6.25 net) BB mucked and lost (-$6.25 net) Hero mucked Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and won $18.50 ($12.25 net) Мне очень понравился прием, который сделал Барон против Инвокера. (против нас парень с норм сквизом (для 4бета) и какой-то дебил решивший зайти колом под сквиз). Ну как выразился Инвокер - "ох барон решил поссать мне на еб---ник", вот и мы исполним такой же прием. Чтобы все пограничные руки, с которыми они влезли, поплыли под парусами в дальнее плавание))))))))
  7. Сначала сильно болтало, но проблема не в Солвере, а в понимании отыгрыша. С какой рукой и что нужно делать (на каком борде) и вот тут он может помочь, но в начале не многие знают, что нужно искать (я не исключение). Но со временем картинка складывается (и работать нужно еще больше ) - вечная рутина, если этим не болен лучше и не начинать (я за собой заметил, что чем больше ебашу, тем больше хочется).
  8. Курс Гальвина Бэя еще более беглый, но достаточно хорошо и на простом примере объясняет концепции ГТО. В принципе наверное сначала лучше подробно изучить его и уже потом браться за книгу. Думаю больше понимания. Могу сказать точно, что книга разжевывает достаточно подробно (расчеты можно не запоминать например, кроме основных, а они есть в видео) концепции и понимание складывается постепенно. (Но с практикой понятное дело можно воспринимать материал более легко).
  9. Да читал. Хорошая книга для понимая концепций построения ренджей и того, как от улицы к улице строятся диапазоны. Не советовал бы привязываться к диапазонам, которые он там предлагает (сейчас можно найти на просторах более актуальные). Но книга предназначена дать понимание ГТО концепций - в этом плане она очень актуальна.
  10. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $24.43 (97.7 bb) BB: $35.31 (141.2 bb) UTG: $30.74 (123 bb) MP: $28.09 (112.4 bb) CO: $17.90 (71.6 bb) Hero (BTN): $25.93 (103.7 bb) Preflop: Hero is BTN with Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 3 folds, Hero raises to $0.62, SB raises to $2.11, BB folds, Hero raises to $5.28, SB raises to $24.43 and is all-in, Hero calls $19.15 Flop: ($49.11) 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) Turn: ($49.11) Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) River: ($49.11) Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) Results: $49.11 pot ($2 rake) Final Board: 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif SB showed Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and lost (-$24.43 net) Hero showed Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and won $47.11 ($22.68 net) Рит не включен, удачи!!! В этот раз в обраточку прилетело.
  11. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $26.96 (107.8 bb) BB: $30.13 (120.5 bb) Hero (UTG): $25.76 (103 bb) MP: $40.82 (163.3 bb) CO: $34.10 (136.4 bb) BTN: $46.05 (184.2 bb) Preflop: Hero is UTG with Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Hero raises to $0.62, MP folds, CO calls $0.62, 2 folds, BB calls $0.37 Flop: ($1.96) 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (3 players) BB checks, Hero checks, CO bets $1.59, BB folds, Hero calls $1.59 Turn: ($5.14) 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (2 players) Hero checks, CO bets $2.41, Hero calls $2.41 River: ($9.96) 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players) Hero checks, CO checks Results: $9.96 pot ($0.45 rake) Final Board: 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Hero showed Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif and lost (-$4.62 net) CO showed Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif and won $9.51 ($4.89 net) хм. Отскочил - рандомайзер сила.
  12. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $33.84 (135.4 bb) Hero (BB): $25 (100 bb) UTG: $18.70 (74.8 bb) MP: $25 (100 bb) CO: $44.01 (176 bb) BTN: $32.98 (131.9 bb) Preflop: Hero is BB with 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 4 folds, SB raises to $0.62, Hero raises to $2.25, SB raises to $6.25, Hero raises to $25 and is all-in, SB calls $18.75 Flop: ($50) 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) Turn: ($50) Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) River: ($50) Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) Results: $50 pot ($2 rake) Final Board: 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif SB showed Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and won $24 (-$1 net) Hero showed 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif and won $24 (-$1 net) Как вам игра недорегов на нл 25? Ахуенный колл и 4бет, играйте так дальше. п.с. "Открою адский секрет - фолд на 3бет"
  13. Вот что думает солвер о Кбете. 19% остальное чек http://s019.radikal.ru/i608/1711/c3/405126bc0295.png Это округленная до 50% стратегия. (почти все ставки 50/50, единственно есключение KQ он ставит 50% только с крестовой картой). Сайзинг 70%
  14. А вообще борд просто пиздец какой сложный для коллера и для правильного диапазона Кбета начиная с терна. Там по терну еще нужно Ах пустые руки коллировать, естественно против оптимальной ставки с блефами (что вообще никто сделать у нас на лимите не сможет). По поводу терна с 88 был прав, там уже нет Кбета (ну если не считать 1% который у солвера выпал). Кбет от агрессора http://s018.radikal.ru/i505/1711/20/6e84fe1cb25a.png И колл терна от Коллера http://s002.radikal.ru/i198/1711/a5/52250b4e0430.png Думаю понятно где будет оверфолд у поля.
  15. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $25 (100 bb) BB: $45.52 (182.1 bb) UTG: $31.29 (125.2 bb) MP: $71.23 (284.9 bb) CO: $22.23 (88.9 bb) Hero (BTN): $27.99 (112 bb) Preflop: Hero is BTN with 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 3 folds, Hero raises to $0.62, SB raises to $2.11, BB folds, Hero calls $1.49 Flop: ($4.47) 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players) SB bets $2.10, Hero calls $2.10 Turn: ($8.67) 2http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (2 players) SB bets $4.10, Hero calls $4.10 River: ($16.87) 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (2 players) SB checks, Hero bets $19.68 and is all-in, SB calls $16.69 and is all-in Results: $50.25 pot ($2 rake) Final Board: 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 2http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif SB showed 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and lost (-$25 net) Hero showed 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif and won $48.25 ($23.25 net) Хиро колл. (Для меня терн не совсем понятен). А вообще спот очень интересный нужно разложить его по полочкам. Но для колла ривера будут в диапазоне и руки лучше.
  16. Раздачи от старзов призванные вогнать тебя в тильт. Но хуй вам, не тут то было (теперь мы знаем намного больше, чем раньше). 1.Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 PlayersPoker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $32.63 (130.5 bb)BB: $25 (100 bb)UTG: $25 (100 bb)MP: $25.75 (103 bb)CO: $23.68 (94.7 bb)Hero (BTN): $25.10 (100.4 bb) Preflop: Hero is BTN with Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gifUTG raises to $0.75, 2 folds, Hero raises to $2.25, SB calls $2.15, 2 folds Flop: ($5.50) 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players)SB checks, Hero bets $2.62, SB raises to $6.24, Hero calls $3.62 Turn: ($17.98) Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players)SB bets $17.25, Hero calls $16.61 and is all-in River: ($51.20) Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) Results: $51.20 pot ($2 rake)Final Board: 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gifSB showed Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif and won $49.20 ($24.10 net)Hero showed Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif and lost (-$25.10 net) 2. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 PlayersPoker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $56.12 (224.5 bb)BB: $59.71 (238.8 bb)Hero (UTG): $25 (100 bb)MP: $50.92 (203.7 bb)CO: $41.10 (164.4 bb)BTN: $25 (100 bb) Preflop: Hero is UTG with 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gifHero raises to $0.62, 3 folds, SB calls $0.52, BB folds Flop: ($1.49) 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players)SB bets $1.50, Hero calls $1.50 Turn: ($4.49) Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif (2 players)SB bets $4.25, Hero raises to $22.88 and is all-in, SB calls $18.63 River: ($50.25) 2http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) Results: $50.25 pot ($2 rake)Final Board: 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 2http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gifSB showed 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and won $48.25 ($23.25 net)Hero showed 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and lost (-$25 net) 3. Ну и куллерок против агро 3беттора (с 3бетом вс КО 23) Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 PlayersPoker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $12.50 (50 bb)BB: $25.04 (100.2 bb)UTG: $25.83 (103.3 bb)MP: $18.15 (72.6 bb)Hero (CO): $25.35 (101.4 bb)BTN: $25.13 (100.5 bb) Preflop: Hero is CO with Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif2 folds, Hero raises to $0.62, 2 folds, BB raises to $2.25, Hero raises to $6, BB raises to $25.04 and is all-in, Hero calls $19.04 Flop: ($50.18) 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in)Turn: ($50.18) 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in)River: ($50.18) 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) Results: $50.18 pot ($2 rake)Final Board: 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gifBB showed Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and won $48.18 ($23.14 net)Hero showed Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and lost (-$25.04 net) Не дождетесь, тильта больше нет. Мы пока потерпим не может же вечно ев идти вверх отдельно от ВтСД.
  17. А то, что мы блочим хуеву тучу рук, которые мы бьем не проблема? такие как ФД с А и руки типа AQ. (тут интересна размастевка, будь у меня туз не в масть я бы радосно впихался)
  18. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $25.10 (100.4 bb) Hero (BB): $26.35 (105.4 bb) UTG: $25.68 (102.7 bb) MP: $39.15 (156.6 bb) CO: $31.15 (124.6 bb) BTN: $26.83 (107.3 bb) Preflop: Hero is BB with Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif UTG folds, MP raises to $0.50, CO calls $0.50, 2 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, MP calls $2, CO calls $2 Flop: ($7.60) Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 2http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (3 players) Hero bets $3.63, MP calls $3.63, CO raises to $8.25, Hero folds, MP calls $4.62 Turn: ($27.73) Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif (2 players) MP checks, CO bets $20.40 and is all-in, MP folds Results: $27.73 pot ($1.25 rake) Final Board: Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 2http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif MP mucked and lost (-$10.75 net) CO mucked and won $26.48 ($15.73 net) Кто что думает против двух неизвестных? С блокером на пуш не решился. - Колить и по крестовому терну выставляться, но у нас будетерброд будет колл оправдан? Игра СО очень странная рейзить сет на флопе смысла нет при таком СПР (QQ там не должно быть с префлопа) и конечно все говорит за пуш на таком борде, но вот вопрос будут часто переигрывать свои Qх руки, из адекватных, которые ему можно положить в эту линию это крестовые KQ, QJ (Хотя смысл их рейзить имея шоуданВе и офигенное ДРО на усиление). п.с. Видимо я сам ответил на свой вопрос пока расписывал свои мысли по ходу раздачи.
  19. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $26.86 (107.4 bb) Hero (BB): $25 (100 bb) UTG: $23.55 (94.2 bb) MP: $37.92 (151.7 bb) CO: $32.97 (131.9 bb) BTN: $47.26 (189 bb) Preflop: Hero is BB with 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif UTG folds, MP raises to $0.65, 2 folds, SB calls $0.55, Hero calls $0.40 Flop: ($1.95) Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (3 players) SB checks, Hero checks, MP bets $0.61, SB calls $0.61, Hero calls $0.61 Turn: ($3.78) 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif (3 players) SB checks, Hero checks, MP bets $3.25, SB calls $3.25, Hero raises to $23.74 and is all-in, MP raises to $36.66, SB folds River: ($54.51) Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players, 1 is all-in) Results: $54.51 pot ($2.00 rake) Final Board: Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif SB mucked and lost (-$4.51 net) Hero showed 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and won $52.51 ($27.51 net) MP showed 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and won $0.00 (-$25.00 net) Слишком амбициозный колл, на НЛ 25-50 не запихнусь в блеф на терне после таких сайзингов (на мой взгляд колл к 100% стремится).
  20. Рука неплохо конечно наш велью блокирует, но не лучше ли реализация через колл 3бета у неё в 100бб стеках? Мне кажется как блеф часть 4бета можно и Разномастные по рандомизатору использовать.
  21. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. Hero (SB): $25 (100 bb) BB: $25 (100 bb) UTG: $25 (100 bb) MP: $33.21 (132.8 bb) CO: $22.97 (91.9 bb) BTN: $25 (100 bb) Preflop: Hero is SB with Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 3 folds, BTN raises to $0.75, Hero raises to $2.62, BB folds, BTN raises to $5.50, Hero calls $2.88 Flop: ($11.25) 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players) Hero checks, BTN bets $4.75, Hero calls $4.75 Turn: ($20.75) 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players) Hero checks, BTN checks River: ($20.75) 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif (2 players) Hero checks, BTN bets $14.75 and is all-in, Hero calls $14.75 and is all-in Results: $50.25 pot ($2 rake) Final Board: 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 4http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Hero showed Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Thttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif and won $48.25 ($23.25 net) BTN showed Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and lost (-$25 net) Ну рандомаейзер показал колл (ему верим и жмем колл на префлопе), а дальше ни куда против агрессивного не деться с блокером.
  22. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $58.63 (234.5 bb) Hero (BB): $25.70 (102.8 bb) UTG: $52.15 (208.6 bb) MP: $37.69 (150.8 bb) CO: $26.26 (105 bb) BTN: $63.51 (254 bb) Preflop: Hero is BB with 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 2 folds, CO raises to $0.75, 2 folds, Hero raises to $2.62, CO calls $1.87 Flop: ($5.34) 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif (2 players) Hero bets $2.55, CO calls $2.55 Turn: ($10.44) Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players) Hero bets $6.75, CO folds Results: $10.44 pot ($0.47 rake) Final Board: 9http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Hero mucked 6http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif and won $9.97 ($4.80 net) CO mucked and lost (-$5.17 net)
  23. Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $39.49 (158 bb) BB: $10.61 (42.4 bb) UTG: $30.53 (122.1 bb) MP: $32.96 (131.8 bb) Hero (CO): $25.73 (102.9 bb) BTN: $24.65 (98.6 bb) Preflop: Hero is CO with Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.62, 2 folds, BB calls $0.37 Flop: ($1.34) 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players) BB bets $1.25, Hero calls $1.25 Turn: ($3.84) Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (2 players) BB bets $1.25, Hero raises to $3, BB calls $1.75 River: ($9.84) Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (2 players) BB bets $5.74 and is all-in, Hero calls $5.74 Results: $21.32 pot ($0.96 rake) Final Board: 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Qhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Khttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif BB showed Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif and lost (-$10.61 net) Hero showed Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif and won $20.36 ($9.75 net) Помогаем по терну подправить сайзинги парню. Для комфортного пуша по риверу.
  24. Poker Stars, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. SB: $130.10 (130.1 bb) BB: $114.05 (114.1 bb) UTG: $100 (100 bb) MP: $100.88 (100.9 bb) Hero (CO): $115.90 (115.9 bb) BTN: $76.55 (76.6 bb) Preflop: Hero is CO with Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif 2 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, 2 folds, BB raises to $8, Hero calls $5.50 Flop: ($16.50) 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif (2 players) BB bets $10, Hero calls $10 Turn: ($36.50) 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif (2 players) BB bets $20, Hero raises to $97.90 and is all-in, BB calls $76.05 and is all-in River: ($228.60) Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif (2 players, 2 are all-in) Results: $228.60 pot ($2.50 rake) Final Board: 3http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif 5http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif 7http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif BB showed 8http://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/club4.gif Ahttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/spade4.gif and won $226.10 ($112.05 net) Hero showed Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/heart4.gif Jhttp://pokertools.holdemmanager.com/images/emoticons/diamond4.gif and lost (-$114.05 net) Не дружелюбная зараза))
  25. Можно но позже. Щас пока базу Барона отложил до лучших времен - работаю над игрой (решил, что все нужно перестраивать). Месяц будет нонстоп катка и теория.
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