PokerStars - $0.25 NL - Holdem - 8 players Hand converted by PokerTracker 4 CO: 196.28 BB (VPIP: 44.00, PFR: 40.00, 3Bet Preflop: 33.33, Hands: 25) BTN: 100 BB (VPIP: 17.89, PFR: 15.28, 3Bet Preflop: 7.40, Hands: 12,060) Hero (SB): 100 BB BB: 101.4 BB (VPIP: 18.69, PFR: 16.26, 3Bet Preflop: 7.05, Hands: 2,411) UTG: 109.12 BB (VPIP: 18.22, PFR: 15.25, 3Bet Preflop: 4.63, Hands: 8,381) UTG+1: 102.44 BB (VPIP: 15.06, PFR: 11.86, 3Bet Preflop: 5.16, Hands: 40,590) MP: 105.48 BB (VPIP: 23.55, PFR: 18.74, 3Bet Preflop: 5.79, Hands: 7,561) MP+1: 102.2 BB (VPIP: 14.66, PFR: 13.36, 3Bet Preflop: 3.96, Hands: 704) Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has Q:club: Q:spade: fold, fold, MP raises to 3 BB, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 9 BB, fold, MP calls 6 BB Flop: (19 BB, 2 players) 4:club: 6:club: 5:heart: Hero bets 12 BB, MP calls 12 BB Turn: (43 BB, 2 players) J:club: Hero checks, MP bets 26 BB, Hero calls 26 BB River: (95 BB, 2 players) K:diamond: Hero checks, MP checks Опп: 22/18 7к рук, открывается в МП 22%, колл 3бета 34%, 4бет рендж 2,6%. WTSD 27,W$SD 58, WWSF 49 Постфлоп вопрос есть ли ставка на терне? если да, то что делать на пуш?